Top ten overall eco-tourism destinations by number of visitors, per year

Because data is aggregated by SA1, some destinations may contain smaller national parks/destinations. Hover over the bars for individual counts and, if applicable, contained SA1s.

Note that the graphs may take a few seconds to load. Please be patient.


Top changes in visitor numbers

Top ten eco-tourism destinations by percentage increase and decrease, for the periods of 2019 to 2020, 2020 to 2021, and pre- and post-March 2020 ( onset of the pandemic).

Because data is aggregated by SA1, some destinations may contain smaller national parks/destinations. Hover over the bars for individual counts and, if applicable, contained SA1s.

Note: Scroll down for decreases.

Percentage increase in visitors between 2019 & 2020


Percentage increase in visitors between 2020 & 2021


Percentage increase in visitors pre- & post-March 2020


Top 10 eco destinations per period by percentage decrease

Percentage decrease in visitors between 2019 & 2020


Percentage decrease in visitors between 2020 & 2021


Percentage decrease in visitors pre- & post-March 2020


Monthly visitor counts per eco-tourism destination


Greatest and least variations between weekday and weekend median Visitor totals

Use the dropdown below to toggle between the top ten greatest and least percentage variation between weekday and weekend median visitor totals to Eco-tourism destinations.

By default, destinations with less than 1000 median visitors in total are removed from the dataset. You can optionally include them by checking the 'Include destinations with less than 1000 median visitors in total?' checkbox.

You can optionally choose to fix the x-axis scale to between 0 & 100%. This is will enable easier comparison between greatest and least variation, but will shorten bars.

Note that Jardine River National Park's median weekday and weekend totals are identical (95), resulting in a difference of 0%, and has such been omitted from the graph.


Use the dropdown below to select one of the destinations and view its timeseries.


Top 10 home SA4 locations of visitors by number of visitors, per year


Top eco-tourism destinations by collective number of hours stayed overnight.

Select any combination of year and age group to view the top ten Eco-tourism destinations by total number of hours stayed overnight there by visitors.

In the graph below the first, selecting an individual top Eco-tourism destination will show the home SA4s of the visitors - some destinations will have visitors from more home SA4s than others.

The graphs on the left and right can be changed independently, enabling comparison.

Note: Data may take up to 20 seconds to load initially. Please be patient.


Select a top Eco-destination below to view which SA4(s) their visitors live in.


Average trip distance per SA1 by visitor origin location, 2019 - 2021

Some locations have masked data, and have been omitted.


Unique visitors per SA1 per period.

Select two different periods of the week and time periods to compare.

Map 1


Map 2
